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Redeeming Love: Forgiveness—Over and Over

Redeeming Love is a novel. But it is a story of truth – a truth that penetrates at the onset. Redeeming Love is based on the Old Testament prophet–Hosea. One of the main characters, Michael Hosea falls in love with a woman and eventually convinces her to marry him. However, she seems unable to escape the effects of childhood trauma that thrust her into prostitution. Hosea remains committed to her and persists in his love for her.

A fellow church member lent me Redeeming Love to read 15+ years ago. She described it as one of her favorites. It has become one of my favorites as well. I have now read it three times, so obviously, yes, I recommend it.

I read Redeeming Love the second time, years later, simply because I had enjoyed the book and its uplifting story line about persistent love that can occur between man and woman, but even greater because of the book’s basis--the eternal love of our Creator. And two years ago, I was about to give the book as a gift but wanted to read it again since it had been so long even since my second reading.

True to life, the characters do suffer some setbacks. You wonder whether they will overcome. Will they do as you expect? Something better? Something worse? Much to anticipate as you read through Redeeming Love.

Redeeming Love is bitter and dark in parts. You know you need a break from the intensity, and you hope the break is around the next corner or on the next page. It may not be on the next page, but the author eventually provides relief. The reprieve comes in the form of support from a stranger, that persistent love, friendship and self-discovery. Yes, it is a complex story.

I learned last year the story was being made into a movie. I did wonder how well the screenwriters, producers and directors could translate such a complex story to the big screen. It received mixed reviews from critics. However, I say it is a good movie made from a great book. I hope you will try one or the other—or both the movie and the book.

Redeeming Love was originally published in 1991, written by Francine Rivers, a popular author of this and many other best sellers.

Other Rivers’ favorites of mine, include her 5-book set of novellas, Sons of Encouragement about “biblical men of faith in the shadows of others.” The set of stories is fictional, but historically derived about Aaron, in the shadow of his brother, Moses; Caleb, one of twelve scouts who explored the land of Canaan; Jonathan, son of Saul and faithful friend to David; Amos, a gardener and shepherd, called by God to be a prophet, and finally, Silas, “scribe to the early church and companion of Paul and Peter.”

Rivers also wrote a set of historical fiction novellas about women who were in the lineage of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. This book series is titled Lineage of Grace.

See more about this author and her dozens of other books at



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